Sanateamela con inglés

Task: You have decided to enter a short story competition. The rules say that the story must end with the following words: 'Finally, I had managed to explain the mystery'.
Write between 120 and 180 words.
He wasn't feeling well at all. In fact, he was really tired. Even though he had had a free day at high school he couldn't catch any sleep.
He had spent his day thinking "How can I pull this out?" "Where can I find an idea?" -He wondered- Nobody knew, and he was desperated.
He though that a walk will calm he down, so he went to a store, located far from his home to buy some stuff that he needed, and then, he walked back to his house.
"-I'm not in the mood - he yelled- NOT IN THE MOOD"
But his blank sheet of paper never answered. He was really mad, he was blocked. His mind wasn't producing anything, and that kind of things were strange to him.
"How could he write all his ideas?" "How could he say what he wanted to say?"He was running across his house, anybody could notice the madness resting in his eyes. He asked himself one last and definite question "How can I fill up this sheet with 180 interesting words?"

And then he looked at the blank sheet, finally he had managed to solve the mystery.

posted by Diego @ 6:19 a. m.,


At 4:47 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

JOJO... Yo sabia que saber ingles me iba a serbir para algo en mi vida!
Nunca pense que para entender esta historia media pelotudo! yo si hubiera sido el loco me pego un tiro de entrada y se acabo la cosa, que no rompa los huevos...
Bue... este chico de tu historia, deliraba, pero nunca como la señora que subio al 105 hoy, joder que estaba mal esa vieja!
tiraba monedas por la puertay le hablaba al aire! despues le tiro al chofer, una bolsa enfrente en el vidrio, diciendole "la dejo ahi" chofer: "no señora, no veo me estorba, tome" Sra: "ajkgjañslnaopnhaksf´klñsa" (no le entendi ni j)
y en un momento cuando el chofer le habla a otro de cutsa, se para y le grita, "el tacho no cobra" :S:S... SP(sin palabras) te dejos!!!


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